A Body at TheraMotion, stays in Motion.

Why your core is key

Bathing suit season is in full swing, and it may feel like some of us are inundated with photos of the perfect body, whether on TV or on smaller screen apps. However, the secret to the perfect bikini body lays in a four-letter word: the “core”

When someone in fitness refers to the ‘core’, they are talking about the muscles mainly found in the abdominal and lower back region. However, the core can also generally refer to an individual’s entire torso region, including the neck and hips.

For those who aren’t exactly enthused about the idea of traditional weightlifting, numerous crunches, or other high-impact exercises to strengthen the core—you’re in luck. A great exercise regimen to incorporate a strong core workout can be found at home.

Try these poses if you are looking to improve your abdominal region:

Bird Dog- In a kneeling position, place your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Then, while keeping your abdominal region tight, slowly lift your left arm and your right leg, simultaneously. Hold this position for 10 seconds if possible, then reverse (lift your right arm and left leg, and vice versa) about 10 times.
Plank Pose- With your shoulders exactly above your elbows, and your torso parallel to the floor, press your forearm into the floor and lift your hips. Keep this pose for about 30 seconds, then release.
Single leg deadlift- With two kettlebells or dumbbells, press your weights to the floor while leaning forward so as to grip the weights. Then, slowly release one weight and lift the leg on the side with which you’ve released the weight. If needed, hold your arm to the corresponding raised leg. Repeat for desired number of repetitions.
Push-Ups- Starting in a plank position, with straight arms and legs, proceed to bend the elbows towards the side and slowly bring your chest towards the floor. If this position is too strenuous, try it with your knees on the floor. Repeat 10 times, if possible.
Boat Pose- While seated on the floor, lengthen your torso and raise your legs forward, so as to create a 45-degree angle using your legs so your toes are at or near eye-level. Once your legs are stretched forward, raise your arms as if you were reaching for your calves. Try and hold this pose for approximately 15-20 seconds, and gradually increase the time as you become comfortable with the pose.

Before starting any new exercise routine, it is important that you consult your physician. If you would like to learn additional details about Theramotion, please contact us at 718-279-9800. Additionally, you can fill out contact information on our Contact Us page and we will get back to you.